Well i a Gateway computer that has windows xp with it when i got it like.... 3 years ago or so. So i turned off my computer and i turned it back on a while later and it was loading to get to the desktop of my computer but this black screen saying Start windows normally or pick Safe mode, etc... and i clicked Start Windows Normally and it seemed to work just fine until after it went back to load the same Black screen again........ and again.... wat the hell is wrong with my computer lol i have installed Spy sweepeer for my anti-virus protection and i have like 0 virus's on my cpmputer that i know of.. please help?? if you need more information ill just add more on the details. =]
What is wrong with my Computer? It won't start??firewall
OS seems messed up. Try using XP's self repair function:
What is wrong with my Computer? It won't start??husqvarna
Ok, perspective check, ur saying that when you start the computer...
You get a black screen menu asking in what mode you want to start the computer in.
Everytime you choose normal it just sends you back to that screen?
Well it could be an application thats starting up. I assume if you start the computer up in safe mode, it works?
Try going to start, clicking run, and type 'msconfig'.
Go to the tab all the way on the right, should say startup I think.
you can disable everything or disable anything that looks funny.
Don'y disable anything that says something like 'reg' or something that looks like your virus scanner, etc.
You may also want to disable some services.
Play around with it, see what happens,
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