Friday, August 20, 2010

Which anti-virus+anti-spyware uses the least of windows resources with the most effective detection

full complete pc protection against any kinda of online threat?

is it downloadable free or for trial?

whicn one?? please suggest with links if possible.

Which anti-virus+anti-spyware uses the least of windows resources with the most effective detection and...?anti virus

you should use ''windows live one care'' as it is from microsoft's site it has all the pc utilities built in it as virus,spyware scan,defragmentation,disk clean up,repair resisty errors,back up windows critical files ans live update to all updates of windows critical issues

it's also 90days trial

Which anti-virus+anti-spyware uses the least of windows resources with the most effective detection and...?auto protect

You should try eScan Internet Security Suite from MicroWorld as it uses the least resources. It uses a technology called MWL developed by them that scans the files before they are saved on your computer. Therefore when you open the file in any application it does not use any resources as the file has already being scanned. I am very satisfied with this product and use it both on my laptop and desktop at home.
AVG and Avast are the best know free virus programs.

Sometimes you can get Norton for free with their rebates, but I'm not a Norton fan.

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