Friday, August 20, 2010

How do i get free anti virus for compture...please need help.p.j.?

have no protection on computure

How do i get free anti virus for compture...please need help.p.j.?house call for AVG which is a very good free antivirus

How do i get free anti virus for compture...please need help.p.j.?matchless

Okay, answerer 1 has said it all; just give me the 10 points! this the the best one after norton but u know norton it too much heavy it slows down the speed of pc so download protector plus from the given site n its crack from the below site of comtact me for furtber
u can go to and get avast or avg free or antivir for free
1 YR of free virus protection. I think that sall you want. LOOk for an other antivirus software next year. Click this link to get one.

Free protection against HAckers

Free spyware protction. Download SPYBOT and ADAWARE from WWW.DOWNLAOD.COM

I suppose thats all you want freeeeeeeeeee..
You have a Windows system, I guess? Not a Mac? You really need protection from other types of malware too, not just viruses--spyware for example. And protection from ''data miners,'' little programs that work in the Net like it's an actual mine in the earth, looking for information, or data, about you. You'll find another great way to protect yourself for free if you Google for Microsoft Malicious Software Removal Tool and run that any time, it's free and very quick. I run it nearly every day. Also Ad-Aware is free and is top-rated by the experts. (Not a program called Adware, no-no-no! Make sure you spell this one right!) The point is, it's not just virus protection that you need, believe me. Another that's free and blazing quick is Yahoo's Anti-Spy. It's so easy to sign up for email at Yahoo if you don't already have Yahoo and this is right there on the Yahoo toolbar. It's another one I run every single time I use the Internet, I mean really several times a day at least. Hope this helps! You know, don't you, that all these other annoyances and dangers are called ''malware''? You need protection from all of them, take my word for it. You might also want to be sure your system's firewall is turned on. And empty your recycle bin or trash or whatever it's called on your computer too after you delete these awful little bits of malware as well, then re-start your computer. (All this may sound complicated, hope not. But it only takes a minute or two really.)

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