Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Any tips on eradicating the Trojan Zlob virus? Currently tried 5 seperate anti virus/spyware program

System:Windows Xp, sempron 3100+

Protection: Avast 4.7, Bitdefender, MS Antispyware.

These programs have no problem finding infected filed, but wont successfully delete them. Any help would be Huge!

Any tips on eradicating the Trojan Zlob virus? Currently tried 5 seperate anti virus/spyware programs to no avmicrosoft


1. Disable System Restore (Windows Me/XP).

2. Update the virus definitions.

3. Run a full system scan and delete all the files detected.

4. Delete any values added to the registry.

Navigate to the subkey and delete value:


Value: ''nvctrl.exe'' = ''nvctrl.exe''

Navigate to and delete the following subkeys:


HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\... Helper Objects


HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\... Helper Objecta


5. Exit the Registry Editor.

***If it makes changes to Windows registry that may prevent you from running executable files. A tool to reset registry values to the default value is available for download. Click Here.

6. Reset the Internet Explorer home page.

a) Start Microsoft Internet Explorer.

b) Connect to the Internet, and then go to the page that you want to set as your home page.

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