Friday, August 20, 2010

Why did my Zone Alarm Anti Virus suddenly disappear from my computer?

Lately our router or something like it was acting up pretty bad so we had to do without it with our only protection from things on the net being Zone Alarm. But just a matter of minutes ago I opened up the window, checked what was going on in general with it, and then it said ''not responding'' at the top. I tried exiting out of it and the window wouldn't close, then when it finally closed it disappeared from those small icons at the bottom right hand of my screen right next to the time. So what happened?? I know Answers is safe to use because it never said that any access attempts had been blocked while I was on here but when I wasn't on the net there would be several access attempts blocked, even some that were highly rated according to ZA. I tried searching for it on my computer but it came up with NOTHING.

Why did my Zone Alarm Anti Virus suddenly disappear from my computer?free spyware remobal

Restart your computer. It sounds like zone alarm just crashed.

Why did my Zone Alarm Anti Virus suddenly disappear from my computer?kawasaki

It's a computer, and programs crash from time to time :) Report It

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