Sunday, August 15, 2010

I got a virous.... i really need help..?

like i dont do anything.. and all of sudden this thing pops up and says.. "search results found for ink", find your date today, and lots of that crap.... im 90% sure i got a virus


AND PLEASE PLEASE DONT SAY Anti-virus protection stuffs and spybot search and destory thing i tried all those and none worked!!! T.T HELP!!

I got a virous.... i really need help..?computer


Say your from yahoo answers and i'll fix it for free. Need good reviews for the service.

I got a virous.... i really need help..?free spyware

uh if no programs worked, you might have to restart the system. i just had to do that ;[
It's a false positive. Uninstall your antivirus and just ignore it. Most of those are windows programs anyway. You need to make sure ports 135-139 and 445 are open in your firewall so they an work properly.
you said not to say it but its the only way. try a different spyware protection and update your virus definitions. it should work.
( you need a pop up blocker, (a firewall), go here and downlaod and install (zonealarm Internet Security Suite) and your pop ups will stop, then go to ( and download and install (ad-aware SE personal) not 2007, (personal) it works.
If antivirus and antispyware programs have already failed you...well...
windows live one care

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